Board Varification, Registeration Fee, Universty Fee & Examination Fee would be charged as per Actual.
*LHV Students has to Pay Full Course Fee otherwise his/her admission would’t be confirmed.
Sahara Nursing CollegeBSc. NPost RNLHV CNA  DAE  Pediatric Nursing
Programme4 Year Year 1Year 22 Year2 Year1 Year1 Year
Admission Fee (Once)    30,000    39,500             –      30,000    5,000             –             –  
Tution Fee  162,575  158,464  174,310  135,000  36,000    79,800  82,000
Other Fee    50,000             –               –               –             –               –             –  
Library & IT Lab Fee    11,000       5,000       5,000             –      3,000       3,000    3,000
Total  253,575  202,964  179,310  165,000  44,000    82,800
